Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finding Reasons to Go On!

It's been a while since we promised our return. And we didn't do it...because we're miserable people with very little to offer to the world except condescension, evil, and humor...and then we realized that is our function in this fucked up world. We have a purpose (other than eating tater tots until we make Bruce Villanch look like Kate Moss)! And so here we go again, trying to become stuporstars in the blogosphere. Actually, some of us already are stuporstars in our own right. Laura has so many fans at that she has had to hire Emmanuel Lewis of tv's Webster fame to be her bodyguard and Anna is already the Queen of New York City's Homeless-American community. The rest of us bitches are either just whoring it up (we're easy!) or weeping into our cookies in the shower. But alas, it's our moment to shine again and we are going to come atcha with everything and Gandhi's kitchen sink! So get ready to make us famous. There ain't enough room for us and Perez Hilton, that fugly bitch.

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